About Northern Park Primary
The school was established in 1966 and is situated in the northern suburbs of Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. Our school accommodates learners from Grade RR to Grade 7, with English being the language of instruction.
“Persevere With Hope”
The School Badge
The School Badge was established in 1966 with Miss E LC Pechey, who was our first Principal. The “Sun in Splendour” represents the northern sun, while the tree represents the word “park” and hence; Northern Park. The books on either side of the sun represent knowledge, while the white birds in flight, in the blue chevron in the centre of the badge, relate to the frequent visits by Egrets to the school’s grounds.
The School Badge
The School Badge was established in 1966 with Miss E LC Pechey, who was our first Principal. The “Sun in Splendour” represents the northern sun, while the tree represents the word “park” and hence; Northern Park. The books on either side of the sun represent knowledge, while the white birds in flight, in the blue chevron in the centre of the badge, relate to the frequent visits by Egrets to the school’s grounds.
Our School’s Mission Statement
Northern Park Primary School’s purpose is to extend individual learners to reach their full potential, so that they may confidently make decisions and solve problems as individuals. Social skills are developed, so that they may work effectively in groups, interacting confidently as creative team members.
The school aims to create a structured environment which provides a balance between academic, cultural, spiritual and sporting activities,
in order to encourage the all-round development of the learners.
Furthermore, the school endeavours to provide learners with a rich variety of learning experiences, which develop skills required for
happy, rewarding and successful lives.
Our School’s Mission Statement
Northern Park Primary School’s purpose is to extend individual learners to reach their full potential, so that they may confidently make decisions and solve problems as individuals. Social skills are developed, so that they may work effectively in groups, interacting confidently as creative team members.
The school aims to create a structured environment which provides a balance between academic, cultural, spiritual and sporting activities, in order to encourage the all-round development of the learners.
Furthermore, the school endeavours to provide learners with a rich variety of learning experiences, which develop skills required for happy, rewarding and successful lives.
School Houses
A lively spirit of competition is encouraged in the school through the three sports Houses, to which learners are allocated upon being admitted to the school.
Siblings will automatically be allocated to the same House.

The School Song
Beneath the Sun and Splendour
With trees around us tall.
We work and play and grow each day
Proud of who we are.
We learn to be strong and steadfast,
honest, kind and true,
from the classroom to the playground
And in competition too.
You’ll always find us proud and sure
In everything we do.
So let us all go forth in life
Enriched by all we’ll learn,
And Lord please grant us
All the Grace to Persevere with Hope.
Fay Forbes – 1991
The School Song
Beneath the Sun and Splendour
With trees around us tall.
We work and play and grow each day
Proud of who we are.
We learn to be strong and steadfast,
honest, kind and true,
from the classroom to the playground
And in competition too.
You’ll always find us proud and sure
In everything we do.
So let us all go forth in life
Enriched by all we’ll learn,
And Lord please grant us
All the Grace to Persevere with Hope.
Fay Forbes – 1991
Important School Information
- Monday to Thursday: school starts at 07h40 and ends at 14h15 for Grades 3 to 7.
- Friday: school starts at 07h40 and finishes at 12h30 for all Grades.
- Tea and lunch breaks are from 10h30 to 10h50 and 12h30 to 13h00.
- The school’s main entrance gate is opened at 07h00 daily and closed at 15h00 from Monday to Thursday and at 14h00 on Fridays.
At least two educators are on duty every morning from 07h15 and at least one is on gate-duty in the afternoons until 15h00. Learners are strongly discouraged from arriving at school earlier than 07h00 in the morning and ought to be collected by 14h30 in the afternoons, unless they are participating in any of the extra-curricular activities offered by the school. Extra-curricular activities are offered from Monday to Friday and commence at 14h20 and end at 15h45. An after-care service is provided by the school and therefore, no learner is allowed on the school premises after 15h45, except, if accommodated at after-care.
On Thursday mornings, a phase assembly is held at the commencement of the school day and all learners are required to attend. Learners are under the Principal’s authority during official school hours and hence, no learner may leave the school grounds without his/her permission. On the last day of each term, school closes at 10h30.
- Monday to Thursday: 07h30 to 15h00
- Friday: 07h30 to 14h00
An after-care facility is offered by the school and learners who are not collected within 20 minutes of school or sporting activity ceasing, are required to go to after-care. An additional fee is charged for this service.
The general appearance of learners is viewed as an important discipline in the school. Well-presented learners usually demonstrate a well-managed school. Given that the Headmaster, the staff and the School Governing Body make every effort to uphold high standards within the school, every learner is expected to be neat and well-groomed and should, at all times, be proud of his/her school and its uniform. Learners are required to wear their uniform in its entirety and may not wear parts of it, lest an unacceptable dress-code be created. This ruling also pertains to the wearing of school uniforms after hours.
Boys’ hair must be kept short and neat at all times, meaning that it should be off their ears, their collars and out of their eyes.
Girls’ hair must be well maintained and if longish, must be tied back with clips, scrunchies and/or ribbon in school colours. Girls may wear extensions in their hair provided these are black in colour, are plaited close to the girl’s head and do not pass the collar. No exceptions to this privilege will be permitted and girls not complying with this, will be required to remove the improper extensions.
Both boys and girls may wear watches, within reason. Only girls with pierced ears may wear gold or gold-coloured studs or sleepers, in only one hole per ear. No other earrings or jewellery may be worn except for medical identity tokens which must be registered with the learner’s class teacher. Nails must be well groomed and no nail varnish and/or tattoos is/are permitted.
School rules are necessary and essential for keeping law and order in any establishment and their prime function is to ensure the safety of all learners. Learners are therefore obliged to observe and practise the required standard of behaviour and dress code, at all times. Parents are required to support the school in its endeavour to maintain a high level of discipline. In addition, the school practises an effective discipline system based on respect, honesty and integrity. Learners are encouraged to develop a self-respect for themselves, with the intention that if this is in place, they will in turn, show their neighbour and his/her property respect as well. All learners, while in school uniform, are expected to show respect and loyalty towards their school, irrespective of whether they are at school, on the way to or from school, on a school-based excursion or at a shopping mall. The school’s discipline system is supported by the School’s Code of Conduct for Learners, which, if necessary, allows the School Governing Body to suspend a learner from school for up to five days, or should a learner’s conduct be so dissatisfactory, to request the Provincial Head of Education to expel the learner from the school.
Parents may apply for their child to be covered by the school’s accident insurance through Marsh. This comprehensive insurance policy covers a learner from the time he/she leaves home to the time he/she returns home. Terms and conditions apply. Application forms will be available at the office or on our Form Downloads page.
Should a learner intentionally damage or lose any of the school’s property, his/her parents are notified accordingly and may be requested to reimburse the school for the said damage or loss.
Learners are required to supply their own stationery and are provided with a list of minimum requirements. It is essential that learners have these requirements because borrowing from one another is strongly discouraged. Not only is the practice of borrowing unfair on those who have had to finance their own stationery, but it also deprives them of the use of their own equipment.
The school enjoys what is referred to as a Section 21 status. In order to provide the service the school does, school fees are charged and the School Governing Body is responsible for drawing up its annual budget. This is approved at a meeting to which all parents of the school are invited to attend. Once approved, the school fees become compulsory and the School Governing Body may enforce the payment of these. The school offers concessions only to deserving families who are not in a position to pay full fees.
School fees are used to pay for all services rendered to the school which include, but are not limited to: additional educators’ salaries, lights and water, photocopying, purchasing of stationery, academic materials and sporting equipment, school maintenance and upgrading.
Parents are encouraged to commit themselves to the payment of school fees, as it becomes difficult to provide the quality of service that parents of the school have grown to expect and appreciate.
The School Governing Body runs a Thrift Shop for the convenience of the parents and a wide range of the school’s uniform is in stock.
Parents are encouraged to visit the school to discuss their child’s progress with his/her educator, however, appointments must first be made through the school as educators may not entertain visits by parents during teaching time. Should it be necessary for a parent to see an educator during teaching time as an emergency, the parent must first approach the Principal who will either arrange the extra-ordinary appointment or relay the message to the educator immediately. Under no circumstances should educators be contacted at home, save for an absolute emergency. Messages, lunches, sports equipment etc may be left at the office, who will endeavour to relay or get these to a learner or educator at their earliest convenience. Alternatively, parents will be able to contact their child’s teacher via the D6 connect app. CONTACT US
Parent interviews are conducted during the first and third terms where parents are afforded the opportunity to meet with their child’s educator to discuss their child’s progress and/or any learning challenges the child may be experiencing.
Often the school experiences complaints from parents that a part of their child’s uniform has been stolen, only to discover that the item of uniform has been handed in to lost property. Parents are encouraged to ensure that every personal item that their child brings to school is clearly marked with their child’s name. Learners who have a personal item go missing should report it to their educator and also make enquiries at the Media Centre where lost property is handed in. Any lost property not retrieved by the end of each week, will be taken down to the After-Care facility. Any items not retrieved by the end of the year will be donated to a school in need.
The school does not accept any responsibility for monies or other valuables being lost by its learners. Learners should hand money and/or any valuables to their class-educator for safe keeping. Learners are strongly discouraged from bringing cell phones and/or other costly items to school. However, should it be necessary to bring a cell phone to school, learners must switch them off immediately upon entering the school premises. Under no circumstances may a learner be in possession of a cell phone that is switched on during official school hours. Learners not adhering to this regulation will have their cell phone impounded and his/her parent will be required to come and retrieve it from the office. Should a learner fault this regulation a second time, he/she will be given a written instruction forbidding him/her from bringing a cell phone onto the school’s premises.
Learners are encouraged to attend school regularly and if at all possible, every day throughout the school year. The School Management Team and staff ensure that teaching and learning commences on the very first day of each term. Should it be necessary for a learner to be absent from school for a particular reason, the parent will be notified via the D6 Connect app and should inform the educator, via this app, the very same day. Should a learner be absent for three consecutive school days, the learner is required to submit, upon returning to school, a doctor’s certificate explaining his/her absence. Medical appointments during official school hours are strongly discouraged, unless in the event of an emergency. The Principal is not authorised to grant any learner permission to be away from school for extended holidays. Given that teaching and learning takes place throughout the term, learners are discouraged to absent themselves from school unnecessarily.
Parents are strongly requested to inform the school of any changes of addresses and/or telephone numbers at home or work. The school has often been unable to contact parents in an emergency, only because parents have failed to furnish the school with their new details.
- Monday to Thursday: school starts at 07h40 and ends at 14h15 for Grades 3 to 7.
- Friday: school starts at 07h40 and finishes at 12h30 for all Grades.
- Tea and lunch breaks are from 10h30 to 10h50 and 12h30 to 13h00.
- The school’s main entrance gate is opened at 07h00 daily and closed at 15h00 from Monday to Thursday and at 14h00 on Fridays.
At least two educators are on duty every morning from 07h15 and at least one is on gate-duty in the afternoons until 15h00. Learners are strongly discouraged from arriving at school earlier than 07h00 in the morning and ought to be collected by 14h30 in the afternoons, unless they are participating in any of the extra-curricular activities offered by the school. Extra-curricular activities are offered from Monday to Friday and commence at 14h20 and end at 15h45. An after-care service is provided by the school and therefore, no learner is allowed on the school premises after 15h45, except, if accommodated at after-care.
On Thursday mornings, a phase assembly is held at the commencement of the school day and all learners are required to attend. Learners are under the Principal’s authority during official school hours and hence, no learner may leave the school grounds without his/her permission. On the last day of each term, school closes at 10h30.
- Monday to Thursday: 07h30 to 15h00
- Friday: 07h30 to 14h00
An after-care facility is offered by the school and learners who are not collected within 20 minutes of school or sporting activity ceasing, are required to go to after-care. An additional fee is charged for this service.
The general appearance of learners is viewed as an important discipline in the school. Well-presented learners usually demonstrate a well-managed school. Given that the Headmaster, the staff and the School Governing Body make every effort to uphold high standards within the school, every learner is expected to be neat and well-groomed and should, at all times, be proud of his/her school and its uniform. Learners are required to wear their uniform in its entirety and may not wear parts of it, lest an unacceptable dress-code be created. This ruling also pertains to the wearing of school uniforms after hours.
Boys’ hair must be kept short and neat at all times, meaning that it should be off their ears, their collars and out of their eyes.
Girls’ hair must be well maintained and if longish, must be tied back with clips, scrunchies and/or ribbon in school colours. Girls may wear extensions in their hair provided these are black in colour, are plaited close to the girl’s head and do not pass the collar. No exceptions to this privilege will be permitted and girls not complying with this, will be required to remove the improper extensions.
Both boys and girls may wear watches, within reason. Only girls with pierced ears may wear gold or gold-coloured studs or sleepers, in only one hole per ear. No other earrings or jewellery may be worn except for medical identity tokens which must be registered with the learner’s class teacher. Nails must be well groomed and no nail varnish and/or tattoos is/are permitted.
School rules are necessary and essential for keeping law and order in any establishment and their prime function is to ensure the safety of all learners. Learners are therefore obliged to observe and practise the required standard of behaviour and dress code, at all times. Parents are required to support the school in its endeavour to maintain a high level of discipline. In addition, the school practises an effective discipline system based on respect, honesty and integrity. Learners are encouraged to develop a self-respect for themselves, with the intention that if this is in place, they will in turn, show their neighbour and his/her property respect as well. All learners, while in school uniform, are expected to show respect and loyalty towards their school, irrespective of whether they are at school, on the way to or from school, on a school-based excursion or at a shopping mall. The school’s discipline system is supported by the School’s Code of Conduct for Learners, which, if necessary, allows the School Governing Body to suspend a learner from school for up to five days, or should a learner’s conduct be so dissatisfactory, to request the Provincial Head of Education to expel the learner from the school.
Parents may apply for their child to be covered by the school’s accident insurance through Marsh. This comprehensive insurance policy covers a learner from the time he/she leaves home to the time he/she returns home. Terms and conditions apply. Application forms will be available at the office or on our Form Downloads page.
Should a learner intentionally damage or lose any of the school’s property, his/her parents are notified accordingly and may be requested to reimburse the school for the said damage or loss.
Learners are required to supply their own stationery and are provided with a list of minimum requirements. It is essential that learners have these requirements because borrowing from one another is strongly discouraged. Not only is the practice of borrowing unfair on those who have had to finance their own stationery, but it also deprives them of the use of their own equipment.
The school enjoys what is referred to as a Section 21 status. In order to provide the service the school does, school fees are charged and the School Governing Body is responsible for drawing up its annual budget. This is approved at a meeting to which all parents of the school are invited to attend. Once approved, the school fees become compulsory and the School Governing Body may enforce the payment of these. The school offers concessions only to deserving families who are not in a position to pay full fees.
School fees are used to pay for all services rendered to the school which include, but are not limited to: additional educators’ salaries, lights and water, photocopying, purchasing of stationery, academic materials and sporting equipment, school maintenance and upgrading.
Parents are encouraged to commit themselves to the payment of school fees, as it becomes difficult to provide the quality of service that parents of the school have grown to expect and appreciate.
The School Governing Body runs a Thrift Shop for the convenience of the parents and a wide range of the school’s uniform is in stock.
Parents are encouraged to visit the school to discuss their child’s progress with his/her educator, however, appointments must first be made through the school as educators may not entertain visits by parents during teaching time. Should it be necessary for a parent to see an educator during teaching time as an emergency, the parent must first approach the Principal who will either arrange the extra-ordinary appointment or relay the message to the educator immediately. Under no circumstances should educators be contacted at home, save for an absolute emergency. Messages, lunches, sports equipment etc may be left at the office, who will endeavour to relay or get these to a learner or educator at their earliest convenience. Alternatively, parents will be able to contact their child’s teacher via the D6 connect app. CONTACT US
Parent interviews are conducted during the first and third terms where parents are afforded the opportunity to meet with their child’s educator to discuss their child’s progress and/or any learning challenges the child may be experiencing.
Often the school experiences complaints from parents that a part of their child’s uniform has been stolen, only to discover that the item of uniform has been handed in to lost property. Parents are encouraged to ensure that every personal item that their child brings to school is clearly marked with their child’s name. Learners who have a personal item go missing should report it to their educator and also make enquiries at the Media Centre where lost property is handed in. Any lost property not retrieved by the end of each week, will be taken down to the After-Care facility. Any items not retrieved by the end of the year will be donated to a school in need.
The school does not accept any responsibility for monies or other valuables being lost by its learners. Learners should hand money and/or any valuables to their class-educator for safe keeping. Learners are strongly discouraged from bringing cell phones and/or other costly items to school. However, should it be necessary to bring a cell phone to school, learners must switch them off immediately upon entering the school premises. Under no circumstances may a learner be in possession of a cell phone that is switched on during official school hours. Learners not adhering to this regulation will have their cell phone impounded and his/her parent will be required to come and retrieve it from the office. Should a learner fault this regulation a second time, he/she will be given a written instruction forbidding him/her from bringing a cell phone onto the school’s premises.
Learners are encouraged to attend school regularly and if at all possible, every day throughout the school year. The School Management Team and staff ensure that teaching and learning commences on the very first day of each term. Should it be necessary for a learner to be absent from school for a particular reason, the parent will be notified via the D6 Connect app and should inform the educator, via this app, the very same day. Should a learner be absent for three consecutive school days, the learner is required to submit, upon returning to school, a doctor’s certificate explaining his/her absence. Medical appointments during official school hours are strongly discouraged, unless in the event of an emergency. The Principal is not authorised to grant any learner permission to be away from school for extended holidays. Given that teaching and learning takes place throughout the term, learners are discouraged to absent themselves from school unnecessarily.
Parents are strongly requested to inform the school of any changes of addresses and/or telephone numbers at home or work. The school has often been unable to contact parents in an emergency, only because parents have failed to furnish the school with their new details.