Our Staff

The Northern Park Staff

We proudly employ a wide range of highly-qualified and dedicated staff to ensure that your child receives a quality education and develops in a holistic manner.

Northern Park Primary promotes the development of a strong partnership between the parents and school staff and management, so that a solid foundation can be built for every learner that enters its gates.


Message from the Headmaster

With almost 700 years of combined teaching experience, coupled with a range of specialist skill sets, Northern Park boasts a team of close on 75 dedicated staff members, who focus on the journey of Northern Park children from their arrival into Grade R, to when they leave at the end of their Grade 7 year.

Our dedicated staff cover everything from our Pre-Primary, Mathematics, Languages, the Sciences, IT and Robotics, Music, The Arts, Design Technology, Media Studies, Physical Education and Coaching, to Learning Support, Estate Management, Finance, Marketing, HR, Security, Uniform Shop, After Care and Administration.

Northern Park prides itself on offering an excellent education, built on rich traditions and strong family values, whilst offering opportunities for children to grow in their respective areas of strength in the classroom, on the sports field and in the performing arts.

Our extended curriculum, coupled with our highly-committed and experienced staff and fully supportive School Governing Body, ensures that academic excellence remains our primary objective, whilst each child feels valued and inspired to excel.

At Northern Park, we provide quality education from Pre-Primary through to Grade 7, whilst providing excellent facilities in the classroom, sports fields and in the cultural arena.

We offer a caring and loving environment for pupils to realise their true potential through the nurturing of our core values of “Strong, Steadfast, Honest, Kind and True”.

I welcome and thank you for making Northern Park Primary School your school of choice.
Persevere with Hope

Headmaster: Mr Neelan Pillay

Message from the Headmaster

With almost 700 years of combined teaching experience, coupled with a range of specialist skill sets, Northern Park boasts a team of close on 75 dedicated staff members, who focus on the journey of Northern Park children from their arrival into Grade R, to when they leave at the end of their Grade 7 year.

Our dedicated staff cover everything from our Pre-Primary, Mathematics, Languages, the Sciences, IT and Robotics, Music, The Arts, Design Technology, Media Studies, Physical Education and Coaching, to Learning Support, Estate Management, Finance, Marketing, HR, Security, Uniform Shop, After Care and Administration.

Northern Park prides itself on offering an excellent education, built on rich traditions and strong family values, whilst offering opportunities for children to grow in their respective areas of strength in the classroom, on the sports field and in the performing arts.

Our extended curriculum, coupled with our highly-committed and experienced staff and fully supportive School Governing Body, ensures that academic excellence remains our primary objective, whilst each child feels valued and inspired to excel.

At Northern Park, we provide quality education from Pre-Primary through to Grade 7, whilst providing excellent facilities in the classroom, sports fields and in the cultural arena.

We offer a caring and loving environment for pupils to realise their true potential through the nurturing of our core values of “Strong, Steadfast, Honest, Kind and True”.

I welcome and thank you for making Northern Park Primary School your school of choice.
Persevere with Hope

Headmaster: Mr Neelan Pillay


School Management

The academic and day-to-day functions of the school are invested in the authority of the Headmaster, Mr Pillay.
He is assisted by the Deputy Principal, Mrs Stoute, as well as the Departmental Heads: Mrs Brophy for Grade 6 and 7, Mrs Rajpaul for Grade 4 and 5, Ms Zulu for Grade 2 and 3, and Ms Nortje for Grade R and 1. The Phase Coordinators attend to and administer all the academic needs of their particular phases or grades. Other members of staff are allocated a variety of responsibilities which ensure that the school functions optimally.


Staff Development Programme

Regular staff development programmes are held throughout the year to promote the professional growth of the staff in order that educators may teach more effectively, be exposed to and respond to educational changes and innovations. This programme has, to date, promoted a common bond between the educators, causing them to work effectively as a team to the mutual benefit of the school. Every educator is required to belong to a professional body, namely the South African Council for Educators (SACE), and is required to follow its continuous personal training and development programme.

School Governing Body

The South African Schools Act requires all public schools to be governed by a Governing Body. The School Governing Body is elected every three years, through the election of five parent members, two teacher members and one non-teacher member, with the Headmaster being an ex-officio member. The primary purpose of the School Governing Body is to establish policies pertaining to the governance of the school, while the day-to-day management of the school is invested in the Headmaster’s authority.

The School Governing Body is a statutory body and may therefore enter into contracts, employ additional staff and set school fees to support the activities it has elected to perform. Once school fees for the following year have been approved at an annual meeting held with the parent body, the School Governing Body may enforce these to be paid. The School Governing Body employs additional staff in order to enhance the effectiveness of the school.